On Wed, 17 Oct 2012, 佃鹏 于 wrote:

> Sorry to bother you. I am a student from University of Glasgow UK. 
> For my dissertation purpose I need to run Granger Causality tests 
> using Gretl.  I am using panel data, "time series" function didn't 
> work?  Would you mind giving me some advice on the following 
> questions:

> Is the Granger Causality test for autoregression?

The Granger test is not "for" autoregression, but it is conducted in 
the framework of a vector autoregression (VAR).

> How to run Granger Causality in Gretl using panel data? Do I need 
> to change my data structure to time series in order to finish the 
> Granger causality test of variables.

The theory of Granger causality is well developed for the time 
series case. For panel data it is more complicated; for one thing 
you'd have to decide if the causality result is supposed to be in 
common ("homogeneous") across your panel units, or not. If you 
google "Granger causality panel data" you'll find discussions of 

In gretl, Granger causality tests are provided among the results 
when estimating a VAR, but the "var" command is not available for 
panel data, only time series. I think this is true of most 
econometric software. Gretl scripting has the flexibility to allow 
you to construct a related test for panel data, if you can figure 
out exactly what it is you want to test.

Allin Cottrell

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