
Thanks for answer. The problem is that I'm generating series in this way and something is wrong. Maybe it is due to my dataset characteristics. I'll find it out ;-)



Dnia Niedziela, 21 Pa¼dziernika 2012 14:51 Pindar <pindar...@gmail.com> napisa³(a)

Hi there,

have a look at the manual on p.104

"series sname = mspec
where sname is the name of the series to create and mspec is the name of the matrix to copy from,
possibly followed by a matrix selection _expression_. Here are two examples.
series s = x
series u1 = U[,1]

It is assumed that x and U are pre-existing matrices. In the second example the series u1 is formed
from the first column of the matrix U.

For this operation to work, the matrix (or matrix selection) must be a vector with length equal to
either the full length of the current dataset, n, or the length of the current sample range, n0.
If n0 < n then only n0 elements are drawn from the matrix; if the matrix or selection comprises n
elements, the n0 values starting at element t1 are used, where t1 represents the starting observation
of the sample range. Any values in the series that are not assigned from the matrix are set to the
missing code. "

nulldata 20
matrix test=mnormal(20,2)
series sY1=test[,1]

nulldata 21
smpl 1 20
matrix test=mnormal(20,2)
series sY1=test[,1]
smpl full
print sY1 --byobs


Am 21.10.2012 14:04, schrieb mariusz doszyñ:

I often have problems with generating variables (series) on the basis of matrix. If X is a matrix and I'm trying to make series from its columns there is an error saying that data types are not consistent for this operation. Do you know what is wrong? I'm using lastest version of gretl.


Mariusz Doszyñ



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