On Wed, 7 Nov 2012, Henrique Andrade wrote:

> I think I found a small error in Hansl when someone insert commas in
> the end of the comment line. Please take a look at the following code
> to check this.
> <hansl>
> open australia.gdt
> list vars = dataset
> lags 2 ; vars
> list list1 = null     # If I terminate this comment line WITH a comma,
> list list2 = null     # I get an error (in the following loop) saying
>                         # list2_ati does not exist.
> loop i=1..2 --quiet
>    list list1 = list1 || PAU_$i
>    loop j=1..2 --quiet
>        list list2 = list2 || PUS_$j
>    endloop
> endloop


Hmm, you're right. And the same thing would happen if the line 
ended with a backslash or left parenthesis. We guarded against 
interpreting comma (etc.) as indicating line continuation if 
the command line in question started with the comment 
character '#' (after dropping any leading white space), but 
we didn't handle properly the case where a #-comment follows a 
command. That's now fixed in CVS.

> Also I would like to make a suggestion: In my humble opinion, the
> syntax to print list elements is not so intuitive and it looks like
> very different from the other uses of the "print" command. My
> suggestion is use something like this:
> print list1 --names
> or
> print list1 --varnames

That seems like a reasonable suggestion.

Allin Cottrell

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