On Sun, 18 Nov 2012, Jean-Baptiste Combes wrote:

> I am using Grelt 1.8.7 with Ubuntu and I am mainly using it for
> teaching. With colleagues we are preparing tutorials.

Version 1.8.7 is pretty old by now. You might want to look at
http://gretl.sourceforge.net/ChangeLog.html to see what has 
been improved/added/fixed since then.

> One of the tutorial estimate a weibull model with the mle block. We use
> censored data on unemployment. I have heard that there is a "duration"
> command but for teaching purposes we prefer to use the mle block. We are
> quite keen on making sure students understand the different
> contributions to the likelihood.
> On top of that we would like them to estimate the mean time passed in
> unemployment. The mean of a weibull distribution is not very easy to
> compute by hand. Again I know that $yhat save exactly this after a
> "duration" command but we are interested in doing it by hand.
> How do you compute an integral within gretl?

Well, it depends on the integral: there's no built-in gretl 
function that computes the integral of an arbitrary function. 
But the expectation of the Weibull is exp(X*b) * G(1 + sigma) 
where G denotes the gamma function, which is available in 

open recid.gdt -q
list X = const workprg priors tserved felon alcohol \
  drugs black married educ age
duration durat X ; cens
series yhat = $yhat
matrix b = $coeff[1:$ncoeff-1]
series means = exp(lincomb(X,b)) * gamma(1+$sigma)
print yhat means -o

Allin Cottrell

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