On Sat, 1 Dec 2012, Allin Cottrell wrote:

> On Sat, 1 Dec 2012, artur tarassow wrote:
>> I observed the following behaviour using current cvs on windows:
>> string foo = "cpi"
>> matrix m1_cpi = I(2)
>> printf "%.3f\n", m1_(a)foo
>> results in the message "The symbol 'm1_' is undefined". Is this intended or
>> a bug?
> Well, up till now our policy has been that in the context of 
> printf and sprintf, we do @-string substitution only in the 
> format portion of the command line, and not in the arguments 
> portion. I think there was a reason for that, but I can't 
> reconstruct it right now. Perhaps we're being too 
> restrictive; I need to think about it a bit more.

Having thought about this, it seems to me it would be more 
consistent to do @-substitution in the arguments to printf and 
sprintf. This is now in CVS and snapshots. Please report any 
undesirable side effects!

Allin Cottrell

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