I am having troubling putting both lines and points in plot
The code below creates lines & points like I want in some cases
But in a few cases I get all lines -- see the last gnuplot example

Is this a GRETL bug or something about gnuplot and --with-lines=  I
don't understand

## Basic plotting using simple time series set
nulldata 20
setobs 1 1980 --time-series

series x1= index
series x2 = 1
x2 = x2(-1) + 0.25
series y1 = 0
series y2 = sin(x1)

# Line & points OK
gnuplot y1 y2 x1 --with-lines=y2 --output=display
gnuplot y1 y2 --time-series --with-lines=y1 --output=display
gnuplot y2 y1 --time-series --with-lines=y2 --output=display

# Does not show y1 as points if  --with-lines=y2 and y2 is second element
gnuplot y1 y2 --time-series --with-lines=y2 --output=display

I am using Gretl 1.9.9  June 2012 build
I have a few other cases using matrix= as well

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