On Mon, 24 Dec 2012, yinung at Gmail wrote:

> I notice that "xtab" command can do Fisher's exact test. I found that
> fisher.test(.) in R (requires vcd package) also produces Fisher's exact
> test results. Does anyone know the differences between gretl's and R's
> Fisher's exact test?
> I test the following data (which can be downloaded from
> http://ibeif.files.wordpress.com/2012/12/fishertea.xls
> obs real guess
> 1    1     1
> 2    1     1
> 3    1     1
> 4    1     2
> 5    2     2
> 6    2     2
> 7    2     1
> 8    2     2
> In gretl, the following script
> <hansl>
> open http://ibeif.files.wordpress.com/2012/12/fishertea.xls
> xtab real guess
> </hansl>
> produces the results:
> Cross-tabulation of real (rows) against guess (columns)
>       [   1][   2]  TOT.
> [   1]     3     1      4
> [   2]     1     3      4
> TOTAL      4     4      8
> Pearson chi-square test = 2 (1 df, p-value = 0.157299)
> Warning: Less than of 80% of cells had expected values of 5 or greater.
> Fisher's Exact Test:
>  Left:   P-value = 0.985714
>  Right:  P-value = 0.242857
>  2-Tail: P-value = 0.257143
> However, in gretl with the following R script
> fisher.test(table(real,guess))
> produces the different results:
>    Fisher's Exact Test for Count Data
> data:  table(real, guess)
> p-value = 0.4857
> alternative hypothesis: true odds ratio is not equal to 1
> 95 percent confidence interval:
>   0.2117329 621.9337505
> sample estimates:
> odds ratio
>  6.408309

Hmm, there are various ways of computing a 2-sided p-value for 
this test, and it looks like gretl and R make different 
choices. You can get a very comprehensive printout at


For this table we see:

The total number of cases= 8
The smallest value= 1
The smallest marginal= 4

Use of * (starred) statistics is advised

The p for exactly this table= 0.22857
One sided p-values: for p(O>=E):
p(O>=E): 0.2428571 *
p(O>E): 0.0142857
mid-p: 0.1285714
p(O<=E): 0.9857143

Two sided p-values p(O>=E|O<=E):
p= 0.4857143 * (sum of small p's)
p= 0.2285714 (left+right-exact)
p= 0.2571429 (left+right)
p= 0.485714 (double the single sided p)
p(O>E|O<E)= 0.02857 (sum of small p's)
mid-p 0.2571429 (sum of small p's)

So the value gretl is giving for the 2-sided p-value is the 
one labeled "left+right" above. The one that R gives is the 
"sum of small p's", which is starred (recommended) on the 
quantitativeskills page. Perhaps we should reconsider or 
augment the gretl output.

Allin Cottrell

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