On Sun, 6 Jan 2013, Nabil Brandl wrote:

> It is not easy to enter or import date to Gretl system. The only way to
> enter date is through time series function. It is a weak side in Gretl.

I'm not sure what you mean here. In importing time series data, 
gretl will typically pick up date information provided it is given 
in a consistent and reasonably standard form, in the first column of 
the imported data.

If dates cannot be read in this way, they can be easily imposed 
using the "setobs" command. The two functions obsnum() and 
obslabel() can be used to move between a 1-based index of the 
observations and strings representing dates, such as "2012:01".
And individual observations in a series can be picked out by date if 
required, as in

scalar CPI_1980_1 = CPI[1980:1]

Allin Cottrell

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