On Wed, 30 Jan 2013, Henrique Andrade wrote:

> Em 27 de janeiro de  2013, Henrique escreveu:
> Em 25 de janeiro de 2013, Allin escreveu:
>> On Fri, 25 Jan 2013, Henrique Andrade wrote:
>>>> I think there's something "strange" with the special
>>>> accessor $["roots"]. Please take a look at the following
>>>> Hansl code:
>>>> <hansl>
>>>> # Gretl doesn't save the "r" matrix
>>>> open data9-7
>>>> loop i = 1..2
>>>>    arima $i 1 2 ; QNC
>>>>    matrix r = $["roots"] # overwrites "r"
>>>>    print r
>>>> endloop
>>> Yes, that sort of thing ought to work in loops, but it didn't.
>>> This should now be fixed in CVS and snapshots.
>> Now it is working fine. Thanks Allin!
> Now it is not working anymore :-( Using the "test case" I provided
> everything works:
> <hansl>
> open data9-7
> loop i = 1..2
>    arima $i 1 2 ; QNC
>    matrix r = $["roots"] # overwrites "r"
>    print r
> endloop
> </hansl>
> But with my "real world" example it doesn't [...]

> loop for P=0..max_ar_lags --quiet
>    loop for Q=0..max_ma_lags --quiet
>        matrix especificacoes = especificacoes | {$P, 1, $Q}
>    endloop
> endloop

The trouble is that the first model estimated in your "real 
world" example doesn't have any ARMA roots (P = Q = 0). For 
all the other specifications you'll get the $["roots"] matrix 

Allin Cottrell

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