On Tue, 12 Nov 2013, Clive Nicholas wrote:

>> What version of gretl is this? (That p-value means "NA", as it obviously
>> has to be if the F-statistic is numerically negative, but I thought we'd
>> purged all cases of printing NA as if it were a number.)
> v1.9.12. I'm not able to build the latest version of -gretl- on my Linux
> machine (you may remember the fun and games that ensued last time I tried
> this earlier this year), so I use the latest version that's made available
> from the repository.

That is strange. IIRC, you're unning Kubntum and the build process is now 
(relatively) streamlined on deb-based distros. Could you please post the 
details so we can sort your issue out?

>>> I can't properly run IV2SLS models in -gretl- because I only have one IV
>>> and the main model has 96 predictors, so it responds that I don't have
>>> enough instruments.
>> That sounds like a non-sequitur: for one endogeous variable you need one
>> additional instrument, regardless of how many exogenous regressors are
>> included in the model. Have you looked up the syntax of gretl's "tsls"?
>> It's
>> tsls <dependent-var> <regressors> ; <instruments>
>> where you repeat any exogenous regressors as (their own) instruments in
>> the second list, behind the semicolon. For example
>> tsls y const x1 x2 n ; const x1 x2 z
>> where 'n' represents an endogenous regressor and 'z' the associated
>> instrument
> I consulted the command reference for -tsls- and it displayed a rather
> different example (one where the endogs were completely different to the
> exogs), but no matter: let me try that when I'm on my machine and I'll
> report back to you. I've been using point-and-click to run IV2SLS on
> -gretl-, so it would do me good to run it as syntax.

Like Allin said, if you have 96 variables, out of which 95 are exogenous, 
they can act as their own instruments. I don't quite understand what the 
problem is.

   Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
   Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Sociali (DiSES)

   Università Politecnica delle Marche
   (formerly known as Università di Ancona)


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