Am 10.04.2014 16:14, schrieb valentina colombo:
> Dera gretl users,
> I had estimate my SVAR model and I need to export the estimated
> coefficients (bootdata) to excel or csv file. I have tried to use the
> following command but it is storing my variables but not bootdata (from
> a SVAR).
> store /home/valentina/bootdata.csv bootdata
> ! gnumeric /home/valentina/bootdata.csv

By design, 'store' only saves data (=series), as explained in the docs.
If 'bootdata' is not the name of a series and gretl does not complain
here, this could actually be a (small) bug.

To save matrices, you can use the 'mwrite()' function. To save arbitrary
stuff to a text file, use the 'outfile' command to specify the target
file (with option '--quiet'), and then use your own 'print' or 'printf'
commands. Don't forget 'outfile --close' at the end.


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