El 29/04/15 a las 17:38, Allin Cottrell escribió:
> On Wed, 29 Apr 2015, Ignacio Diaz-Emparanza wrote:
>> 1- open a quarterly/monthly series
>> 2- select a variable and go to /Variable/Tramo analysis
>> 3- remove the tickmark on "Standard automatic analysis" (if you leave 
>> this tickmark all is ok)
>> 4- you may leave the default on "Time series model plus seasonal 
>> adjustment" (TRAMO+SEATS) or select "Time series model only" (TRAMO 
>> only)
>> Please have a look at "Transformations" tab, the option "automatic" 
>> (with respect to log/no log  transformation) is selected by default.
>> 5- click on OK and gretl transfer the info to TRAMO/SEATS and run the 
>> external program
>> The TRAMO/SEATS window output shows a list of the parameters received 
>> from gretl. You will see the parameter LAM=1 (no logs) instead of 
>> LAM=-1 (automatic).
> Thanks, Ignacio. Actually gretl was not setting LAM=1. Rather, when 
> the "automatic" level/log option was chosen (LAM=-1), gretl was not 
> sending any LAM value to TRAMO. That's because I read the TRAMO doc as 
> saying that the automatic option was the default. However, it seems 
> that doesn't apply if the "Standard automatic analysis" is deselected.
> So now in CVS we always send the selected LAM value explicitly.

Thank you, Allin.

When you have time and if it is not excesively time-consuming, it would 
be good to add an option for importing the "Linear series" from 
TRAMO/SEATS results. This is the series with outlier and missing values 
corrected. (We could then consider 'Tramolin' package deprecated).

Ignacio Díaz-Emparanza
Departamento de Economía Aplicada III (Econometría y Estadística)
Universidad del País Vasco, UPV/EHU
Tfno: (+34) 94 601 3732

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