On Wed, 7 Sep 2016, Gmail wrote:

> I've got a big issue to solve. I must implement an event study on a sample
> of 100 firms.
> In order to avoid to implement 100 regressions I try to use a loop:
> "list ylist = 1 3 5 7 9 \
> 11 13 15 17 19 \
> 191 193 195
> list xlist = 2 4 6 8 \
>  10 12 14 16 18 \
>  20 22 24 26 28 \
>  190 192 194 196
> loop foreach i ylist --progressive
>    loop foreach j xlist --progressive
>    ols ylist.$i const xlist.$j
>    genr alpha = $coeff(0)
>    genr beta = $coeff(xlist.$j)
>    store vectors.gdt alpha beta
> endloop
> endloop
> open vectors.gdt
> ylist and xlist are the lists that contain my independent variables.
> Unfortunately, such code regress the first dependent variable on the other
> 100, then the second on the same 100 and so on and so forth.
> How I can write a loop that only regress the variable 1 on the variable 2,
> the variable 3 on the 4 etc?
> How I can store the coefficients?

Something like this:

scalar N = 100 # adjust as needed
matrix B = zeros(N, 2)
loop k=1..N --quiet
   j = 2*k
   i = j-1
   list L = i 0 j
   ols L --quiet
   B[k,] = $coeff'
print B

The matrix B will hold the coeff vectors as rows.

Allin Cottrell

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