On Fri, 23 Apr 2021, Sven Schreiber wrote:

Am 23.04.2021 um 12:34 schrieb Alecos Papadopoulos:

These estimates will be stored in matrices. Does it make any
difference in computational speed if I use one matrix of [replications
/times/ 20] dimension, or 20 matrices of [replications /times/ 1]

Not directly an answer to your question (sorry), but perhaps still
relevant: In my experience, when creating or filling a large matrix in a
loop, it's a lot faster in gretl if the matrix of the final dimension is
pre-initialized and then the rows' or columns' values are reassigned,
instead of recursively stacking (concatenating) new rows or columns to a
small initial matrix.

This is very good advice: especially when matrices are large, the computational impac of memory allocation can be noticeable; consider for example this script:

set verbose off
N = 10000

# method 1
set stopwatch
X = {}
loop i = 1 .. N
    X = X | sqrt(i)
t1 = $stopwatch

# method 2
set stopwatch
X = zeros(N, 1)
loop i = 1 .. N
    X[i] = sqrt(i)
t2 = $stopwatch

print t1 t2

On my system, the output is

             t1 =  0.17871549

             t2 =  0.0025337400

As for your original question: the most efficient format depends in many cases on the nature of your problem (see below).

Also the gretl gurus told me that it's faster to work (with hansl
scripting) on entire columns instead of entire rows, due to the internal
memory layout of a gretl matrix. (I hope I got this right and didn't mix
it up.)

That's absolutely correct: to be more specific, the operation of matrix slicing takes much less CPU if it involves columns instead of rows, on both sides of the assignment operator. For example,

set verbose off
K = 1000
h = round(K/10)
N = 1000
X = mnormal(K, K)
y = zeros(K, K)
# do some arbitrary slicing

# method 1
set stopwatch
loop i = 1 .. N
    # generate a random slice and slice by column
    sel = mrandgen(i, 1, K, 1, h)
    y[,sel] = X[,sel]
t1 = $stopwatch

# method 2
set stopwatch
loop i = 1 .. N
    # generate a random slice and slice by row
    sel = mrandgen(i, 1, N, 1, h)
    y[sel,] = X[sel,]
t2 = $stopwatch

print t1 t2

gives, on my system

             t1 =  0.091952580

             t2 =  0.82560153

  Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
  Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Sociali (DiSES)

  Università Politecnica delle Marche
  (formerly known as Università di Ancona)

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