* T <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [20060827 03:15]:

> I just tried grml2hd from grml0.8 with:

>  grml2hd partion=/dev/sda4 mbr=/dev/sda4 filesystem=ext3 user=tong

You are using this from the booting command line (isolinux prompt),

> - grml2hd said partion /dev/sda4 can't be found. Manually choose the sda4
> from the provided menu entry works fine. 

I assume you did provide "partition" and not "partion" as
bootoption, right? What's inside /etc/grml2hd/config on your system
when booting with "grml2hd ..."?

> - "user=" parameter didn't work. grml2hd still prompts 'grml' as the
> default user. The mbr & filesystem parameter seem to be working fine. 

Huh, strange. Ok, I'll check that. Thanks.

> - Since I don't have network access (due to no eth0), I run grml2hd as-is,
> ie, without using the latest version. But it failed to create initrd,
> because it can't find the grml kernel module file, IIRC. 

"grml kernel module file" - hm?! Please provide the error message
you get when creating the initrd. In case you don't have that one
any more manually invoke:

# update-initramfs -u -t -k $(uname -r)

> - Installing lilo failed subsequently, because it can't find the initrd.

Sure. If you don't need an initrd just drop the initrd line in
/etc/lilo.conf and rerun lilo manually.

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