Dear syr, Grml is supporting Swspeak thank's to ammazing speech dispatcher and because many sound cart drivers is included. Espeak synthesizer is used for software speech. I Am running GRMl as A blind user by typing following command at The boot screen
grml swspeak After CD ROm will start spinning for longer time, type swspeak. I would like to know, how to install GRML on one harddrive when Windows XP is installed on it and if Windows Xp is using NTFS file system. I do not have problems to use other Linux live CDS with gparted and Gnome, but no partitioner is able to create EXT3 partition in unallocated space and I Am very, very surpricing because of it. And i do not know, how to format EXT3 partition in unallocated empty space, or if extended partition is created. _______________________________________________ Grml mailing list - join #grml on grml-devel-blog: