There is something wrong here. If you cannot boot your grml installation
on the hard disk then you have been trying to install gnome into a running
liveCD. Then you will have used up all the RAM. Have I not understood


Janusz, your replies have been coming to me personally and so I've been
quoting you in full in order that others at may understand.


Janusz wrote:

I have founded, that Grml is the best linux operating system distro with
many administrative applications. In the past, approximately before 10 years
or sooner, visually impaired users were not able to use such applications
like standalone .bootable .iso images for rescue partitions. Those tools are
very often standalone .iso images which are containing applications and
those applications are even shareware applications. Thanks to Grml, which is
containing The latest awailable opensource and high quality administrative
tools, and brltty, yasr and speakup are included, visually impaired user can
have The maximum control on their linux installation
Unfortunately, i can not finish installation of Gnome by using apt-get
install gnome

After downloading, when retreiving bug reports appears, it stop at The 0
percent and it halts. Very interesting think.

It is probably because there somethink wronk with my installation.

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