Depending upon what components I want in the plain Debian system, how
to I obtain these? I.e. If I want Grml's owrking kernel, what should I
do to obtain that?
And is it the Linux-source or Linux-image that I'd be looking for? Or
would grml krenl just install, all symlinks taken care of, etc.
What I love about grml's kernel, is I don't have to bother compiling
it as all my favorite options like hibernate are already there, etc.
And the hardware detection is super great.
Otherwise, the question then would be:
If I wanted screen, etc, that ships with grml, what suggestions would
you folks suggest?
I haven't used grml in so many years that now I find it hard to figure
out what to do, plus the repos now use Git.:).
Regards, --Keith
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