On Thursday 22 July 2010 01:04:06 T o n g wrote:

> Sorry I still don't get it.
> Say when grml2usb installing grml-small and generates a bootid of grml-
> small-123. Then when grml2usb installing my own flavour of grml, it
> generates another bootid of my-own-456. Now grml-small expect that the
> bootid is grml-small-123, and mine being my-own-456. My understand is
> that only one of them can boot now. which part I've figured wrong?

All flavours will be adjusted to expect bootid small-123. 

To be more clear:
* No bootid.txt exists on the target - generate one
* read the first line of bootid.txt and use it as bootid
* Adjust bootid parameter on $FLAVOUR to read bootid

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