* Theodotos Andreou <theodotos.andr...@cut.ac.cy> [Thu Nov 18, 2010 at 
07:17:36PM +0200]:

> Guys I want to have a grml small iso under the /boot/iso partition in
> Debian 6.0 with Grub2. My config in /boot/grub/grub.cfg is:

> menuentry 'grml' {
>     insmod part_msdos
>     insmod ext2
>     set root=(hd0,msdos1)
>     search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set <uuid>
>     echo 'Loading GRML Small'
>     loopback loop (hd0,0)/iso/grml-small_2010.04.iso
>     echo 'Loading Kernel'
>     linux (loop)/boot/grmlsmall/linux26 boot=live vga=791 noeject noprompt
>     echo 'Loading ramdisk'
>     initrd (loop)/boot/grmlsmall/initrd.gz
> }

> When I boot I get:

> "error: cannot read the Linux header"

> Any idea what am i doing wrong?

The 'hd0,0' can't be valid as grub2 starts counting partition numbers
with 1.

Try to reduce your grub configuration to a minimum, see
http://michael-prokop.at/blog/2009/05/25/boot-an-iso-via-grub2/ and
for further details regarding the loopback feature.


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