## Originalempfaenger: eix...@gmx.de


thanks for your tip.

luit -encoding ISO8859-1 openxp

will work super.

Thanks and regards.


> eix...@gmx.de schrieb am 08.02.11:

> On Sun, Feb 06, 2011 at 04:06:00PM +0100, Dietmar Segbert wrote:
>> I want to use a older linux-version of openxp (crosspoint Mail and
>> news).

> Isn't there a recent version?..

>> The editior of openxp can not use utf8. If i do term2iso, the
>> program show the menus correct (ae,oe, ue ss). But in the editor
>> the german ue, ae oe or ss wil be not displayed correct.
>> How can iset for the use of openxp the terminal to ibm437
>> (keyboard, screen)?

> Maybe the luit program can be of help ...

>  flori
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