Hallo Will,

Thank you for drawing my attention to ...

> However, I see that error every time I run mplayer. I too use an Intel
> GPU, so for me it is just a warning message--even if I had the library
> mplayer is warning about, I would not be able to take advantage of
> MPlayer's capability to use recent nvidia cards' VDPAU rendering
> subsystem. In my case it does not prevent mplayer from working, and it

In fact, starting Mplayer (standalone, I don't use the Gecko plugin in
Iceweasel) from the command line, I also get the message

"Failed to open VDPAU backend libvdpau_nvidia.so: cannot open shared ..."

which I had overlooked all the time. It is really a warning only.

The aforementioned problem with Mozilla (resulting in segmention fault)
had never before occurred to me in any other PC.

My first guess was a hardware problem (defective memory), but why then
should it always happen exactly on he same occasion?

Best regards,


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