On Friday 08 May 2009 02:41:41 smo...@sacredlabor.com wrote:
> Does .pdfboomark by default create a break/space in the
> body of the text ?


> I am noticing this affect. 

I guess you mean "effect" :-)  You really need to get into the habit 
of providing minimal samples of actual markup, to illustrate these 
effects which you see; I can't see what's on *your* screen.  Here's 
an example which, IMO, does nothing unexpected[*]:

.pdfview /PageMode /UseOutlines
.sp 1i
.pdfbookmark 1 "Page \n%"
This page deliberately left blank.
.sp 1i
.pdfbookmark 1 "Page \n%"
Examples begin below.
.sp 2i
Here is a minimal example
of a paragraph with an
.pdfbookmark 2 "inline bookmark"
inline bookmark.
It should not interrupt the flow of
running text.
Even when em\c
.pdfbookmark 2 "embedded bookmark"
bedded within a word,
which is interrupted by \(oq\\c\(cq,
it should not introduce any additional space.
the unnatural form,
\(oqwo\\*[pdfbookmark 2 "incorrect usage"]rd\(cq,
should be avoided;
it will introduce unwanted space,
and even an unwanted period,
at its point of use within the
interrupted wo\*[pdfbookmark 2 "incorrect usage"]rd).
.sp 1i
.pdfbookmark 1 "Page \n%"
This page deliberately left blank.

Please format this, using the command:

  pdfroff -ww --no-toc -mpdfmark infile.txt > outfile.pdf

and explain what effect it exhibits, if any, which you don't expect.

[*] Actually, I didn't expect the behaviour I see when using the 
`\*[pdfbookmark 2 "text"]' form; technically, that might be classed 
as a bug, but such usage seems so unnatural, that I don't plan to 
fix it any time soon.

> Ive tried 'pdfbookmark ... no such resolution.

Since `.pdfbookmark' doesn't cause a break, I wouldn't expect any 
difference in behaviour from a `non-breaking' form.



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