Hi Ted,

> What I sometimes do, when I feel the need for properly aligned visual
> layout, is to space out with a character not occuring elsewhere, and
> finally remove it. At a pinch TAB (^I) will do, though often this puts
> in too much space. I rarely need "~" in tables, so tend to fill with
> "~" (my usualy tab separator is "#"). Then, at the end, block the
> table (I use 'vim') and do a global delete. E.g.
> .TS
> tab(#);
> l l l l.
> Ed~~~~#James~#top~~~#bottom
> Albert#Fred~~#left~~#right
> Jim~~~#Wilf~~#back~~#front
> .TE
> becomes, after blocking the 3 lines and then ":s/\~//g"

Why not use a space instead of `~' and do

    :s/  *#/#/g

to remove all runs of spaces followed by a hash?

> .TS
> tab(#);
> l l l l.
> Ed#James#top#bottom
> Albert#Fred#left#right
> Jim#Wilf#back#front
> .TE

You may like to know that column(1) can be used to reverse the effect
should you need to edit it again, e.g. for the above in vim(1).

    # Move to the `Ed' line.
    # Move back to the `Ed' line.
    3!!column -s @ -t

It prefixes each of the `#' with an `@', assuming that's also unused,
and then uses column(1) to turn each `@' into the run of spaces required
to make each column line up, working out the widths required.  The `#'
remain.  Naturally, you can use visual blocks instead of counting lines.

    l l l l.
    Ed      #James  #top   #bottom
    Albert  #Fred   #left  #right
    Jim     #Wilf   #back  #front

It would be trivial to wrap the substitute and column into a little
script in ~/bin so you can run with with ! from vi.



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