On 04/02/10 06:08:47, Larry Kollar wrote:
> This actually brings up something that has been bugging me for a  
> while, and I think deserves its own thread: we should come up with  
> some namespace guidelines for macro packages, especially for 
> internal-use macros, to prevent conflicts. Whatever we agree on could 
> go in the texinfo document.

As one who lacks the coding skills to contribute, but who often creates 
ad hoc macros in specific documents, I would like the texinfo document 
to contain suggestions for the naming of macros that are created within 

For example, I use caps+lc with * as a word separator for macros that 
will only be called by other macros:

.de My*Ad*Hoc*Macro

but this suffers the obvious problem when the macros are intended to be 
inserted into the body copy by $USER. I currently use:

.de MAHM


.de Mahm

for this purpose but live in fear that I have accidentally overridden 
some tremendously important macro in a package that I am about to use.

Perhaps, texinfo might address this point? Or have I missed something?

Robert Thorsby
There is none so blind as they that won't see.
                -- Jonathan Swift, "Polite Conversation"

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