Mike Bianchi <mbian...@foveal.com> wrote:

> What is missing is a Front Door that leads you gently into the Castle, teaches
> you the way through the rooms, closets and pantries, so you can live
> comfortably there with what is present.  Then (and only then) should you be 
> led
> down into the basement and shown how the electric, water, heat and sewage
> utilities work.  Finally you should go into the workshop and start building
> your own mechanisms.
> I worry that *roff is an old technology loved only by old people.
> It won't survive much longer if it isn't loved by people much younger than me.

Well, I love *roff and I'm much younger than you since I was not born when
you used it for the first time in the mid-1970s. ;)

But, I don't think that *roff is difficult to use, since one accepts it's not a
wysiwyg text processor. I also don't think that the troff language is difficult
to learn - It seems to me that learning troff is something like learning bash.

> What could I do about that?

A tutorial with some exercises and examples could probably help new users
to discover the troff language. It was missing to me when I learned troff,
about one year ago.

I hope to may write one - one day...


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