I  am  glad to hear that my efforts were not useless.  In my
childhood I had a set of Meccano‐like toys and I  find  your
analogy  to  be well‐suited to describe the process of type‐
setting with troff too.

I also want to thank you, Peter, for your mom package.  Some
ideas I took from your package to implement in my small cus‐
tom one.  Meaningless to note, I also want  to  thank  other
people, who read my message, for their efforts in the past.

I suppose, one aspect is usually out of a sight of many par‐
ticipants of the list and people in general.  We are usually
discussing the techincal sides of typesetting, languages and
software.  While there is one exceptional  sociological  and
psychological  phenomena with groff/troff (as a part of Unix
culture), which is still a point to study.  The groff  mail‐
ing list joins three generations of very interesting people:
‘‘grandfathers’’, ‘‘fathers’’ and ‘‘sons’’.  As an 80’s born
kid, I consider myself to be a ‘‘grandchild’’ of people like
Douglas McIlroy, in hope  that  they  will  accept  us,  the
youth,  with  this  role.   Moreover, these people come with
different background and they  were  involved  in  different
areas  of  the arts — literature, music, languages, program‐
ming, mathematics and other.

There must be something we do not completely understand  and
value  yet.   And these aspects or what are not technical at

I hope to dig to the roots of this phenomena one day.


05.10.2012 11:41, Peter Schaffter пишет:
On Fri, Oct 05, 2012, Grigoriy A. Sitkarev wrote:
Let me please express my opinion and share experience.

I enjoyed your musings.

For me, groff is like somebody handing me a printer's version of a
Mecano set and saying:  "Here, go build something cool."

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