On 9/9/14, Werner LEMBERG <w...@gnu.org> wrote:
>> Out of that discussion came Doug's excellent suggestion for a new
>> primitive, '.decor' or similarly named, that's extensible so various
>> kinds of decoration can be applied to text, not just underlining
>> (which, IMO, groff seriously needs).  [...]
> Such suggestions or feature requests should be added to the bug
> tracker.

I'm willing to add this--I've already created several feature-request
tracking bugs--but as it's Doug's brainchild, he should have first
crack at it.

>> On a similar note, Ulrich Lautner stepped forward to take on
>> implementing a modified version of Knuth-Plass.  [...]
> Ditto.

This is one of the feature requests I've previously added to the
tracker: https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?40716

And I, too, hope Ulrich continues to work on integrating his prototype
into the groff code base.

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