On Sun, 23 Jul 2017 19:53:31 +0200, in message
20170723195331.e142bd644d56abfc8b87f...@gmx.de, E. Hoffmann wrote:

> The U-<whatever> do the trick.
> Now I only have to figure out how mom sets the basic font.
> the .FAMILY macro doesn't accept seem to accept U-***, I have to
> insert the .FT U-TR &c. after each .PP macro.

That's odd, it works fine for me.  I've got

    .FT R

in various .mom files, and I've not had any trouble with the fonts
loading.  Actually, I've put those lines in a "style-sheet" file
that gets loaded into my regular .mom files.  I don't know what
the problem could be.  What error messages are you seeing?


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