Another reason to stop stripping.  If we're going to recommend that
users put \" after a trailing space in strings in order to protect
against superfluous spaces, it's counter-productive to remove them
from om.tmac, especially since it's introducing errors.

----- Forwarded message from Deri James <> -----

Date: Fri, 09 Mar 2018 13:26:52 +0000
To: Peter Schaffter <>
From: Deri James <>
Subject: Re: PDF metadata chopping last character off Author

On Thu 08 Mar 2018 20:58:35 Peter Schaffter wrote:
> Deri --
> If you have a look at the PDF metadata for pdf-mom.pdf, you'll see
> that the last letter of Schaffter has been chopped off.  I'm not
> seeing this in other docs, but the same guy who wrote about the
> "Übereinstimmungen in Binärdatei (Standardeingabe)" error says it
> happens to him: Bernhardt Fissen instead of Bernhardt Fisseni.
> Any idea what's up?

I changed a line in .MAC AUTHOR to:-

.    if !'\\*[$AUTHORS]'' .substring $AUTHORS 0 -2

And it now works. I.E. Changed -3 to -2 in the substr. The reason is because 
when the om.tmac-u is stripped the \" which is protecting the trailing space, 
gets removed, so only the comma gets added to the string variable in the loop, 
not the space. Another reason to stop your stripping in public!

----- End forwarded message -----

Peter Schaffter

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