John Gardner <> wrote:

> It's ironic how this convention of unconventional formatting has stuck
> around since the beginning, but in over 40 years of writing manpages,
> nobody's been able to agree on a consistent way of hyphenating the damn
> word.
> Manpages, man-pages, or man\(empages?

I’ve always made it a compound word, “manpages.” And I’m in violent agreement
with your and Brandon’s assessment of all-caps headings. Shoot, there aren’t 
terminal programs that *can’t* do bold these days; I think even that VT220 I 
planning to connect to my iMac can do it.

Given a choice, I never all-caps my manpage headings. I’ve succumbed to 
once or twice, maybe. It would be cool if man(1) could recognize an all-caps 
flush left, and turn it into bolded title case.


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