At 2018-04-22T11:29:39+0100, Colin Watson wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 21, 2018 at 05:43:12PM -0400, G. Branden Robinson wrote:
> > Our commit discipline is already supposed to include updating the
> > ChangeLog, and, where appropriate, NEWS files as part of the commit
> > where the underlying change is made.  Do you think that should suffice
> > for aiding the preparation of Release Notes?
> I agree with the sentiment, but do the ~40 lines of NEWS entries since
> 1.22.3 really reflect the ~1900 lines of ChangeLog for the same period?
> I'm not really qualified to prepare updates there, but the ratio seems
> unusually low to me.

I'm sure those 40 lines don't cover all the work.

We have a release manager now; I'd say it's up to Bertrand to delegate
that task to some unfortunate victim, er, volunteer.  ;-)


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