Hi Ingo and everyone on the list,

On Thu, Mar 29 2018 at 08:05:48 PM, Ingo Schwarze <schwa...@usta.de> wrote:
> Salut Bertrand,
> Bertrand Garrigues wrote on Thu, Mar 29, 2018 at 12:46:58AM +0200:
>> Release candidate 1.22.4.rc2 is now available from GNU's alpha ftp.
> OpenBSD 6.3 still contains groff-1.22.3p8, we missed the deadline
> for the release, but i will commit the update to OpenBSD-current
> as soon as groff-1.22.4 is officially released, so it will be in
> OpenBSD 6.4 this autumn.

Unfortunately I was much too busy this month to work on groff, and now
I'll be on holiday for 2 weeks with no access to the code.

There has been a lot of commits since then.  I'll check the state of the
release next month.  As we have already missed the Ubuntu and OpenBsd
deadlines we can perhaps include the recent commit to make a rc3.



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