Hi Doug,

> Alas, spooky.diff, allegedly at
> http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/groff/attachments/20180626/6721611f/attachment.diff
> elicits 404 Not Found. It may be that some server or client is
> allergic to unusual file extensions.

You subscribe to the digest.  The non-digest email, message-ID
<20180626132744.hwfm4utrxrdsi...@crack.deadbeast.net>, arrived here with
all the parts attached.

    $ mhlist
     msg part  type/subtype              size description
      42       multipart/signed          288K
         1     multipart/mixed           287K
         1.1   text/plain                 656
         1.2   image/png                 208K
         1.3   text/plain                1788
         1.4   text/x-diff               2317
         2     application/pgp-signatur   833

http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/groff/2018-06/msg00035.html has links
to the parts and they all work.

So I think it's just the digest that broke?  I've CC'd in the gnu.org
folks that tend to the Mailman lists for their interest.

Cheers, Ralph.

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