On Wed, 30 Jan 2019 22:58:54 +0100
Ingo Schwarze <schwa...@usta.de> wrote:

> That's a clear case of a cultural clash.  While i (not that surprising
> for an OpenBSD developer) like a concise and direct communication
> style that doesn't use polite circumlocutions, i do realize that
> such a style can cause communication breakdown in practice and can
> harm diversity because what is perceived as offensive communication
> style differs among individuals - and among cultural contexts.

> > https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/pull/36469#issuecomment-458474772

OT: It's not obvious to me what offense John gave.  Reading the thread,
there's a certain schoolmarmish officiousness in the reprimands.  He
caught it on the chin for "sigh", "groan", and "ridiculous".  He didn't
attack anyone.  I'm left wondering which emoticons are prohibited.  

The thread ends with advice to consult the Code of Conduct, which I
faithfully read.  The scolding didn't come with any specific citation
as to what was violated, so we're left to interpret the 458 words.  I
would guess "respect" is what was meant.  

Who decides? Who enforces? Who decides who enforces?  

Vigilantism is never a great way to enforce rules, or norms, and that's
no less true of cultural vigilantism.  The Code of Conduct is just a
feel-good notice of intent. It isn't something anyone can "warn" anyone
else about; the warning itself ipso facto shows a lack of respect.  

John's experience is now on the interwebs for all to see, forever.
It's not exactly a beacon of welcome.  If the team hopes to create a
convivial environment, ISTM they're likely to get one, with a
population trending toward zero.  


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