Hi Branden,

> > > It seems like the main difference between our signal handlers is that
> > > you do not reset the handler, and rely on exiting with a status
> > > greater than 127 to notify the shell that the process was killed with
> > > a signal.  I'm not sure that is reliable, or supposed to be.
> > 
> > Do you mean distinguish these two cases from a shell script using `$?'?
> > 
> >     $ sh -c 'kill $$'; echo $?
> >     Terminated
> >     143
> >     $ sh -c 'exit 143'; echo $?
> >     143
> >     $
> Yes.
> I suppose that in practice it may be that bit 7 of wstatus is
> typically the bit returned by the WIFSIGNALED() macro, but I wouldn't
> want to stake my life on it.
> The more of the Austin Group's time I see taken up with bizarre
> implementation differences in the shell, the more paranoid and less
> certain I get about what is reliable.

Scripts shouldn't use exit $n where n>=126 unless it's for one of the
reasons given in
which includes n>128 for signal n-128.

Cheers, Ralph.

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