On Jun 19 13:45:14, hacke...@member.fsf.org wrote:
> > This is my output (diff to your output follows):
> Thank you, Jan Stary. I am a bit confused because the intermediate
> output you sent doesn't have any PDF hypertext information in it.
> When I use 'gropdf' to parse it, the links aren't clickable.

When I run gropdf over the groff -Z output,
I get the pdf file attached.

Viewing it in macos's Preview,
the link is clickable and opens

> What output do you get from 'groff -V -mdoc -Tpdf'? For me, I see
> 'troff -mdoc -Tpdf | gropdf'.

troff -mdoc -Tpdf | gropdf

> Also, what's your version of gropdf?
>     $ gropdf --version
>     GNU gropdf (groff) version 1.22.4

GNU gropdf (groff) version 1.22.4

> I had expected your intermediate output using groff -Z to include
> "x X pdf: mark...", but it didn't. (See an example below). So, the
> mystery deepens: is groff adding in hypertext in the postprocessor
> stage? How?
> --b9
> P.S. Here's an example of groff intermediate output

Is that the intermediate output
of your "groff -Z -mdoc -Tpdf"?
What's the mdoc input?


> that gropdf and
> Roff.js correctly turn into hyperlinks.
> x T pdf
> x res 72000 1 1
> x init
> p1
> V12000
> H72000
> x font 5 TR
> f5
> s10000
> V12000
> H72000
> mr 22937 0 39321
> DFd
> x X pdf: markstart 6830 -140 2000 /Subtype /Link /Action << /Subtype /URI 
> /URI (https://www.oeaw.ac.at/kal/agm/) >> /Border [0 0 0] /Color  [0.35 0.00 
> 0.60]
> tAncient
> wh2500
> tGreek
> wh2500
> tMelodies
> V12000
> H170310
> x X pdf: markend
> n12000 0
> x trailer
> V792000
> x stop

Attachment: links.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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