* On 2020 20 Oct 08:35 -0500, Deri wrote:
> It is looking for the fonts in the ghostscript 9.26 directories but
> debian have updated to 9.27.  You will have a file called "download"
> probably in /usr/share/groff/1.22.4/font/devpdf, if you edit this file
> to convert all references 9.26 to 9.27, you should be able to
> progress.

Correct, I found this to be exactly the case.

> If you have a different version of groff than 1.22.4 use the
> appropriate version number in the path above.

This is also the installed version of groff.

Glancing at the Debian bugs page for groff:


doesn't show anything relating to ghostcript fonts.  I can next try this
on my laptop that is running Bullseye (Testing).

If the bug doesn't exist on Testing/Unstable, then it would probably be
pointless to file a bug report as such a bug won't likely be fixed for a
package in Stable.

- Nate


"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true."

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