Hello Johann,

Johann Höchtl<johann.hoec...@gmail.com> wrote:
> .../neatroff/roff  -mu-fonts -mus para.tr | ../neatpost/pdf -pa4 > out.pdf

u-fonts only contains macros shared by all fonts and does nothing by
itself, you should use u-libertine or u-biolinum instead:
        roff -mus -mu-libertine para.tr | pdf -pa4 > out.pdf

> neatroff: failed to mount <f-000>
> I suspect I have missing fonts or am I missing another utmac - macro 
> inclusion?

You also need to install the linux-libertine font in your system first,
then produce the neatroff font. The makefile of neatroff_make, if
that's what you used, should be able to do that with some adaptation.

If not, you can edit the makefile in the "utmac/neatroff":
        BINDIR: the path to neatroff mkfn
        FNTDIR: the path to the neatroff font directory
        DEVDIR: the path to neatroff devutf directory
        OTFDIR: the path to your libertine font (/usr/share/fonts)
        FONTS: the names of the various fonts you want to convert.

And you can run:
        make fonts

And it should work... Though, please note that I'm not using the
default neatroff_make installation, but a custom one, using the
makefile in utmac/neatroff.

Warm regards,

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