On Sat, 28 Nov 2020 01:32:33 +0100
Tadziu Hoffmann <hoffm...@usm.uni-muenchen.de> wrote:

> > eqn does well, however .PS/.PE doesn't seem to be processed by
> > [g]pic on inserting.
> >
> > I compiled using: groff -e -p test.groff > test.ps  
> The eqnrc is inserted by eqn, but in the pipeline run by
> "groff -e -p", eqn runs *after* pic, so pic never sees this input
> and cannot act upon it.  Since pic does not (as far as I know)
> have an analogous automatic startup file, you have to move the
> pic stuff out of the eqnrc and into a "picrc" that you must
> include manually:
>   groff -e -p picrc test.groff >test.ps

... of cause. One only need the hint.

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