Timothy Groves wrote in
 |Any attempt to use the pdfmark macro package causes exactly nothing to 
 |happen - no error messages, but also no metadata being added to my PDF.  
 |I've followed the instructions that come with pdfmark slavishly, 
 |including testing in the most minimal document humanly possible, and 
 |still gotten nothing.  I am running groff 1.22.4 under Ubuntu 20.04, and 
 |have installed the full groff (as opposed to groff-base) package.  Is 
 |there some library requirement not described under the documentation?

Well i would say "show this document".
I use 1.22.3 (aliased to s-roff because here there is 1.22.4 too,
and that does not support the necessary extensions) via

  mdocpdf() ( MDOCMX_ENABLE=1
    \export MDOCMX_ENABLE
    \: ${MDOCMXFLAGS:=-dmx-toc-force=tree}
    \mdocmx.sh "${1}" | \s-roff -Tpdf -mdoc ${MDOCMXFLAGS} )

and that mdocmx extension only does (^ actually pdfmark related)

  .\" PDF
  .de mx:dump-init-pdf
  . mso pdfmark.tmac
  . \" Try to fill in some stuff from mdoc(7) macros
  . ds mx#s1 \*[document-title]
  . if !"\*[section]"Null" \
  .   as mx#s1 (\*[section])
  . if !'\*[mx#s1]'' \
  .   pdfinfo /Title "\*[mx#s1]"
  . rm mx#s1
  . als mx:pdf:Nd-orig Nd
  . als Nd mx:pdf:Nd
  . \" TODO more .pdfinfo stuff
  . als mx:dump-xr      mx:dump-xr-pdf
  . als mx:dump-anchor  mx:dump-anchor-pdf
  . als mx:dump-ref     mx:dump-ref-pdf
  .de mx:pdf:Nd
  . pdfinfo /Subject "\$*"
  . als Nd mx:pdf:Nd-orig
  . Nd \$@
  .de mx:dump-xr-pdf
  . \" Cannot help it
  .de mx:dump-anchor-pdf
  . \" Outline support
  . ie '\$1'Sh'     .pdfbookmark 1 "\$3"
  . el .if '\$1'Ss' .pdfbookmark 2 "\$3"
  . ie d mx-debug \
  .   pdfhref M -N "\$2" -E "#\$2#"
  . el \
  .   pdfhref M -N "\$2"
  .de mx:dump-ref-pdf
  . pdfhref L -D "\$1" -P "\%" -A "\c" "[\$1]"

And i get active links and a nice table of content outline that
i can toggle via "o" in mupdf.  Only paragraph layout sucks due to
bad breaking of .Ql literal strings.

 --End of <d3cd998f-e146-fbcd-4dca-1d19936a9...@gmail.com>

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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