On 12/19/20, Peter Schaffter <pe...@schaffter.ca> wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 19, 2020, Ulrich Lauther wrote:
>> In my opinion it is good style to start every sentence on a new
>> source line.
> A piece of advice I have been happily ignoring since sometime back
> in the 90s.
> This is the the first paragraph of _Bleak House_ typed one screen
> line at a time, no wrap:

I think you're confusing starting every sentence on its own line with
using newlines nowhere *except* between sentences.  Your example
illustrates the latter, which is not how I've ever taken that advice
(in fact it is often accompanied by advice to put line breaks in your
source text after commas and at other logical breaks within

> Furthermore, since groff treats end of sentence characters followed
> by one space, two spaces, or newlines identically when sentence
> spacing is disabled (as it is by default),

That *should* be true, but isn't
(http://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?58500).  Some non-English-language tmac
files disable wider sentence spacing, and perhaps some macro packages,
but by default groff itself does not.

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