On 12/20/20, Dorai Sitaram via <groff@gnu.org> wrote:
> It was neither the only, first, last, or most vituperous critique of Two
> Spaces: There has been a rising tide of condemnation of the practice in the
> media, as shown by Googling "two spaces after period".

As a general rule, you can gauge how seriously to take someone's
critique of any topic by calculating the ratio of the topic's relative
importance in the world to the commenter's level of vituperousness.
The more shrilly someone rails against something of such little
consequence, the more safely you can ignore them. :-)

You'll also observe that a lot of opinionated people fail to
distinguish between input convention and typesetting (probably trained
by Word that these aren't separate topics), or misrepresent the
history of the practice (often with variations on the demonstrably
false claim that wider sentence spacing originated with typewriters
and/or monospace typefaces).

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