I know it's probably a bit early for this discussion, but somebody on GitHub
raised a good question

Why x-man-page? dnf reports that yelp & khelpcenter provide man:// - but
> has no providers for x-man-page://

He was referring to an example I gave of a hyperlinked man page reference (
x-man-page://awk.1), which is supported on macOS (Terminal.app and iTerm2),
but not universally
Which invites the question—how are we going to hyperlink man page
references, specifically?

On Sat, 2 Oct 2021 at 14:02, G. Branden Robinson <
g.branden.robin...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm pleased to report that I've landed a new feature in groff Git HEAD.
> The grotty(1) output driver now recognizes a new "link" device control
> subcommand and uses it to synthesize ECMA-48 OSC 8 escape sequences to
> pass hyperlink information to the terminal device.  This means that, on
> terminal emulators that support OSC 8, groff documents can embed
> clickable hyperlinks.
> I tested this feature with gnome-terminal 3.30.2.  (My daily driver,
> xterm, doesn't support OSC 8 yet.)
> Here's how I've documented it in grotty(1).  It's linked with SGR
> support, another ECMA-48 feature.
> [...]
>        By default, grotty emits SGR escape  sequences  (from  ISO  6429,
>        popularly called “ANSI escapes”) to change text attributes (bold,
>        italic,  underline, reverse-video, and colors).  Devices support‐
>        ing the appropriate sequences can view roff documents using eight
>        different background and foreground colors.  Following ISO  6429,
>        the  following colors are defined in tty.tmac: black, white, red,
>        green, blue, yellow, magenta, and cyan.  Unrecognized colors  are
>        mapped  to  the default color, which is dependent on the settings
>        of the terminal.  OSC 8 hyperlinks are  produced  for  these  de‐
>        vices.
> [...]
>    SGR and OSC support in pagers
>        When paging grotty’s output with less(1), the latter program must
>        be  instructed  to  pass SGR and OSC sequences through to the de‐
>        vice; its -R option is one way to achieve this (less version  566
>        or  later is required for OSC 8 support).  Consequently, programs
>        like man(1) which page roff documents with less must call it with
>        an appopriate option.
> [...]
>    Device control commands
>        grotty  understands  the  following device control functions pro‐
>        duced using the roff \X escape sequence in a document.
>        \X'tty: link [uri [key=value] ...]'
>               Embed a hyperlink using the  OSC  8  terminal  escape  se‐
>               quence.  Specifying uri starts hyperlinked text, and omit‐
>               ting  it  ends the hyperlink.  When uri is is present, any
>               number of additional key/value  pairs  can  be  specified;
>               their interpretation is the responsibility of the terminal
>               emulator.   Spaces or tabs cannot appear literally in uri,
>               key, or value; they must be represented  in  an  alternate
>               form.
> [...]
> Options
> [...]
>        -c     Use grotty’s legacy output format (see subsection  “Legacy
>               output  format”  above).   OSC 8 hyperlink terminal escape
>               sequences are not emitted.
> [...]
> Having already thus belabored the point, I trust the reader to infer
> that setting $GROFF_NO_SGR will also prevent the emission of OSC 8
> escape sequences.  (I say it here for the sake of future web searches.)
> People who maintain their own macro packages or eschew their use can put
> grotty(1)'s OSC 8 support to work immediately; it's a "git pull" away.
> To further demonstrate this feature, I have enhanced the groff man(7) UR
> and MT macro ("URL" and "mailto") implementations to use device control
> escape sequences to exercise it.  As planned and desired, this required
> to changes to any man page text; the hyperlinks simply appear.  When
> rendered, the link content will no longer be formatted as output (the
> hyperlinked _text_ of course, if any, will continue to be).
> The lack of universal support for OSC 8 and the absence of a means for
> the formatter to query terminal capabilities at runtime (a major
> architectural challenge given *roff design) however, means that I have
> disabled our man(7) implementation's use of the aforementioned device
> control by default for the time being, in the man.local file.
> Moreover, lack of terminal emulator support isn't even the biggest
> problem facing this feature; well-coded terminal emulators silently
> ignore OSC escape sequences they don't understand.  Unfortunately,
> another party often interposes itself in communications between
> grotty(1) and the terminal device--that would be the pager.  less(1)
> only developed OSC 8 support in version 566, released about one year
> ago.  Versions prior to that misinterpreted the OSC 8 escape sequence
> and would write parts of it to the terminal window, an unsightly mess
> that would be sure to displease users.  I haven't checked, but I fear
> that the behavior of other pagers (more, most, pg--are there others?) is
> similarly poor, and, worse, that their development is moribund.
> I expect and encourage groff users, particularly OS distributors, to
> survey their systems' pager and terminal emulator offerings and delete
> the only non-comment lines in the man.local we ship to expose this handy
> feature to users.
> The means of this support is a new register, "U", recognized by our
> man(7) implementation.  You can think of it as mnemonic for "URL
> support".  For orthogonality I applied its recognition to our man(7)
> support for the "html" output device as well.  (It is thus now possible
> to render to HTML without hyperlinked text[1].)
> Future Directions
> -----------------
> Obvious next steps to me include:
> (1) Hook up our man(7) UR and MT macros to gropdf(1).
> (2) It might be nice to make this "link" device control command
>     applicable across output drivers.  Maybe we could promote "link" to
>     a "name space" instead of having it be device-specific, then have
>     grohtml(1), grotty(1), and gropdf(1) all support it with a common
>     syntax.
> (3) Get the feature working with other macro packages when they render
>     in nroff mode.  ms(7) has no native support for hyperlinks, but our
>     "www" package, demonstrated in out example document "webpage.ms",
>     continues to work, so I reckon that would be the first place to
>     hack.
> (4) Work on the man(7) MR macro for man page cross references, using the
>     "man:" schema by default to avoid file name resolution issues.
> I appreciate feedback, including suggestions regarding relative
> priorities of the next steps (or additions to that list).
> Regards,
> Branden
> [1] Thanks to the "devtag" package, internal anchors are still placed
>     for section headings, but at present nothing in man(7)'s HTML
>     support generates links to them.

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