Ingo Schwarze wrote in
 |Douglas McIlroy wrote on Tue, Mar 22, 2022 at 08:58:19AM -0400:
 |> Tangential comment:
 |> I have always recoiled from git.
 |I agree to some extent.  Git does get a number of things right, but
 |there are also many aspects of its user interface and design that make
 |it harder to use than necessary.  It's hard to call those issues fatal

I do not agree with that.
Mr. McIlroy was used to Plan9, and they had a SHA-1/block based
backing store behind a short lived cache aka venti/fossil etc.
So it can be said he/they even invented the actual concept.
But it is not daily snapshoted etc., but explicitly on request.

It is just a database of hashed objects.  The database consists of
several types of objects (commits, directory/content snapshots,
and binary blobs), which refer to each other and (can) form
several paths through the database.  Like a (several) commit
history line(s) of a branch(es).

That said, i learned it now over a decade ago, and basically did
not move.  I use commands like "git update-ref refs/heads/BRANCH
SHA-1/BRANCH" to reset history line "heads".  I use "git tag TAG
SHA-1/BRANCH" to introduce a tag in the tag in the line.  I use
"git fetch [-v] [UPSTREAM NAME]" to synchronise, "git push
[UPSTREAM NAME] [:BRANCH NAME:]" in the other direction.
I use "git commit" to create a commit object.
"git rebase [--onto BRANCH] SHA-1^/BRANCH^ (first) SHA-1/BRANCH
(last) to rebase (parts of) history lines.
I use "git merge [--ff-only] SHA-1/BRANCH" to merge other lines
onto the current one.
We are basically there.  "git reset [--hard] BRANCH".
Ah yes, "git diff [--cached]", because there is the working tree
and the things yet "git add [:FILE:]"ed to the staging area that
will be used by the next "git commit".

Today much much more is possible, partial checkouts etc etc.
That however is beyond my capabilities.

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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