Hi Brendan,

> > > The typical use case is in a tagged list that uses normal vertical
> > > spacing in general, but contains a few entries that need two or
> > > more tags for a few of the list entries.  For example, in a csh(1)
> > > manual page, you might say something like:
> > Wouldn't one just wrap the .TP paragraph in a pair of .PDs?
> > 
> >     .TP
> >     \fBbreak\fR \*(OK\fIn\fR\*(CK
> >     Exit from the enclosing...
> >     .
> >     .TP
> >     \fBcd\fP [\fIname\fP]
> >     .PD 0
> >     .TP
> >     \fBchdir\fP [\fIname\fP]
> >     Change the shell's working directory to...
> >     .PD
> >     .
> >     .TP
> >     .B continue
> >     Continue execution of the nearest enclosing...
> Yes, that is precisely the form that Alejandro offered when inquiring
> about this subject in the original post to the thread.
> https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/groff/2022-05/msg00022.html
> You have on multiple occasions complained of my emails being wordy.
> In that light it is brow-raising to see you recapitulate messages that
> were sent to this list less than three days ago.

I don't have the time for your juvenile antics, and the list could do
without the noise.  You seem to want to have a dig at me and this was
the best complaint you could muster.  I've criticised your output and
actions on the GNU Groff project, you are attacking a person.  There's a

I respect Ingo's precision and so, when he gave a typical use case for
.TQ, I wanted to know what I might have missed.  Thus I wrote *one
line*; hardly wordy.

BTW, thanks for your investigative write-up at

Cheers, Ralph.

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