Hi Branden,

I'm reading tbl(1), so I'll report a few (minor issues) I found:


   Region options
       The line immediately following the .TS token may  specify
       region  options:  keywords that influence the interpreta‐
       tion or rendering of the region as a whole or  all  table
       entries  within  it indiscriminately.  They can be speci‐
       fied in any lettercase and must be separated  by  commas,
       spaces,  or  tabs.   (AT&T tbl accepted only options with
       all characters in the same lettercase.)   Some  of  these
       options  require  a parenthesized argument; those that do
       permit spaces and tabs between the option’s name and  the
       opening  parenthesis.   Options  accumulate and cannot be
       unset within a region once declared; if  an  option  that
       takes  a  parameter is repeated, the last occurrence con‐
       trols.  If present, the set of  region  options  must  be
       terminated with a semicolon (;).

There is:

       spaces,  or  tabs.   (AT&T tbl accepted only options with
       all characters in the same lettercase.)   Some  of  these

since the parenthesized sentence refers to the sentence previous to it, I'd put it as part of it (notice the placement of periods):

       spaces,  or  tabs   (AT&T tbl accepted only options with
       all characters in the same lettercase).   Some  of  these

There's also:

       all characters in the same lettercase.)   Some  of  these
       options  require  a parenthesized argument; those that do
       permit spaces and tabs between the option’s name and  the
       opening  parenthesis.   Options  accumulate and cannot be

I miss a comma:

       all characters in the same lettercase.)   Some  of  these
       options  require  a parenthesized argument; those that do,
       permit spaces and tabs between the option’s name and  the
       opening  parenthesis.   Options  accumulate and cannot be

Expect to see more reports about that page soon :)



Alejandro Colomar

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