Riza Dindir <riza.din...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello All,


> I am trying to get dformat to work. What I did was this.
> I first tried to include an example dformat script into my document. I
> got the first example from the troff.org site
> (https://troff.org/prog.html). The first example for the dformat
> processor. That example has been using inline equations/math
> expressions.
> Then I went and got the dformat awk script. That script I got from
> (https://github.com/arnoldrobbins/dformat) which might not be the
> original script.

I know the following github repo is a transcript of the dformat by
Jon L. Bentley:


I had no problem generating your document with it. :)

> Anyways I have this simple document.
> .TL
> Some format
> .NH
> deneme
> .EQ
> delim @@
> .EN
> .LP
> .begin dformat
> style bitwid 0.08
> style charwid 0
> style recspread 0.3
> noname
>         --16 Frame
>         --16 Frame
>   A1:   --16 Frame
>         --16 Frame
>         --8-dashed ...
> noname
>   A2:   8--8 Flags
>         8--8 Status
>         --8 @roman Chunk sub 1@
>   B1:   --8 @roman Chunk sub 2@
>         --8-dashed ...
>         --8 @roman Chunk sub m@
>         16--16 CRC
>   A3:   8--8 Flags
> noname
>   B2:   8--8 @roman Data sub 1@
>         8--8 @roman Data sub 2@
>         8--8 @roman Data sub 3@
>         8--8 @roman Data sub 4@
>         --8-dashed ...
>         8--8 @roman Data sub n-1@
>         8--8 @roman Data sub n@
>         6--6 Length
>   B3:   10--10 Channel #
> pic line dotted from A1.sw to A2.nw
> pic line dotted from A1.se to A3.ne
> pic line dotted from B1.sw to B2.nw
> pic line dotted from B1.se to B3.ne
> .end
> And am running the command line as
> !sh dformat.sh format-test.ms | eqn | pic | groff -ms > main.ps
> The command says this
> pic:<standard input>:98: syntax error before '\'
> pic:<standard input>:98: giving up on this picture
> Does anybody use dformat? Which dformat script are you using?
> Regards,
> Riza


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