Ralph Corderoy wrote in
 |Hi Steffen,
 |> Hyphen is good at the end of line when a word is hyphenated, otherwise
 |> it is misplaced.
 |Not in English.  A hyphen may be used to join compound adjectives, as a
 |two-minute Google would show.  :-)  An ‘American-football player’ isn't
 |necessarily American whereas an ‘American football player’ is, but he
 |may be playing what the Yanks call soccer.  It's also used when adding a
 |prefix to a word, as in ‘re-sort’ to re-run sort(1) as ‘resort’ is where
 |one holidays.
 |> En dash would look nice, i could imagine.
 |Those ASCII ‘-’ above should be rendered as a hyphen in nicely typeset
 |output.  An en-dash is far too big.  Oh, there's another one!

Ah, kerning and all that, a science!
But i was talking -Tutf8, and these are fixed width font and there
are three character cells, and the left "has two", the middle "is
empty", and the right is ok to go.

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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