On 11/8/22 22:25, Deri wrote:
On Tuesday, 8 November 2022 20:07:02 GMT Alejandro Colomar wrote:
Deri, do you have the changes you mentioned in
https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?62950#comment5 ready to push?

I saw his email about being locked out

Hi Alejandro,

I have now pushed changes to gropdf. If your system is in the same state when
you got the error, please pull the latest version and check if the error has
gone. Thank you.

Hi Deri!

Yeah, it's gone.  Thanks!

You will probably see an error about freeeuro which was not there before,
Branden will be dealing with it.

I didn't.  The only warnings I saw are:

troff: backtrace: file 'man/groff_char.7':1013
troff:man/groff_char.7:1013: warning: special character '.j' not defined
troff: backtrace: file 'man/groff_char.7':1433
troff:man/groff_char.7:1433: warning: special character 'vA' not defined
troff: backtrace: file 'man/groff_char.7':1562
troff:man/groff_char.7:1562: warning: special character 'bs' not defined
troff: backtrace: file 'man/groff_char.7':1733
troff:man/groff_char.7:1733: warning: special character '-+' not defined
troff: backtrace: file 'man/groff_char.7':1782
troff:man/groff_char.7:1782: warning: special character 'coproduct' not defined
troff: backtrace: file 'man/groff_char.7':1877
troff:man/groff_char.7:1877: warning: special character '+e' not defined

But I think I've seen that before, so I guess it's fine.

I'll now try the fix for the page footer.



PS Locksmith got £310 for a new lock strip for the door. :-(

Heh, these hackers are expensive :)




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